New Year’s Resolutions For Your Physical Therapy Blogging

physical therapy blogging

The new year should be seen as a great new beginning for just about anything that needs a fresh start, and this can be especially true if your physical therapy blogging could use some revitalization. Whether you already blog and need to boost its quality and quantity, or if need to start a new blog, we recommend these four resolutions to get you on a better track with an influx of new patients in the new year:

Resolution #1: Blog Regularly with a Plan

This is a simple resolution, but one of the most important components to keeping your physical therapy blogging successful. Regularly posting your blogs is what drives better results and engagement, and it also builds your overall reach and reputation in the world of physical therapy.

[pullquote2 align=”right”]To start the year off right, create a physical therapy blogging plan and an editorial calendar, which will establish an idea of how often you will blog in a given period of time[/pullquote2]To start the year off right, create a physical therapy blogging plan and an editorial calendar, which will establish an idea of how often you will blog in a given period of time. Whether it’s twice a week or twice a month, you’ll want to commit to your set blogging plan and stick to it as closely as possible. Make sure that you hold yourself and your team accountable for posting new blog content according to the calendar as the year progresses.

Resolution #2: Think Locally First

Local search engine optimization (SEO) keywords are typically the most important types of keywords your physical therapy clinic can use. Whether you have one location or 10, your prospective patients are searching for physical therapy clinics first by location in order to find therapists that are closest to them. This is usually followed by speciality, so it’s always important to include your specialities and services prominently as well.

Your physical therapy blogging can therefore become an important tool to help improve your local SEO when you write content that pertains to each of your locations. Your blog titles should include the location name that you are optimizing, and the content should be relevant to that particular office. Don’t haphazardly place location keywords in your blog posts, but instead, focus on topics that relate to the area. Stay up-to-date on local news and data, and try to come up with topics that respond to or promote local happenings.

[blockquote align=”center”]By making local SEO a key strategy for the year, you will see vast a improvement in your website’s traffic and leads.[/blockquote]

Resolution #3: Add More Variety

Diversity is one of the major keys to blog posts. If you continue to use the same photos, topics or formats in every post, your blog can become boring and monotonous. When there’s too much of the same thing every time you post, not only do you lose an audience, but you also lose interest and speed in the physical therapy blogging process itself. [pullquote3 align=”left”]When there’s too much of the same thing every time you post, not only do you lose an audience, but you also lose interest and speed in the physical therapy blogging process itself[/pullquote3] When there’s too much of the same thing every time you post, not only do you lose an audience, but you also lose interest and speed in the physical therapy blogging process itself. In healthcare professions like physical therapy, there’s so much more action going on, and your blogs need to reflect this in their content.

The first step to diversifying your physical therapy blogging is to create a few possibilities of different formats for your blogs and use each of them in a successive manner with each post. For example, if your blog normally reads with just one photo and text every time, this may seem repetitive to your average viewer. Change it up by providing charts of statistics, infographics, new types of photos in and outside the office, videos and other types of content.

Resolution #4: Share and Distribute Beyond ‘Post’

Many people make the mistake of thinking that simply pressing the “post” button after writing a blog is the end of the story. In reality, this is just the first step, and you need to put in the work to distribute that post in various ways afterwards.

Most importantly, you’ll need to share your blog content on your social media networks like Facebook and Pinterest right after it’s published. The best way to do this is to summarize the key takeaways and post them in a summary with the link to the blog. You can schedule them to post at different times and on your different social media platforms.

You can also share your blog posts through other tools, such as an email newsletter. Whether it’s a blog roundup posted every month or a special email for an important topic, finding a way to spread your post in other formats is another great way to draw attention to your blog.

Better Physical Therapy Blogging Equals More New Patients

By making these new year’s resolutions, you can boost the quality of your blogs and significantly increase your chances of visitors being impressed and engaged by them. As a result, impressed and engaged visitors who are looking for a physical therapist are more likely to become new patients at your practice.

[info_box]For more tips and tricks for your physical therapy blogging, contact us at E-Rehab today. We can look into your blogging practices and identify areas that can use improvements, and elevate the status of one of the most important tools of your practice.[/info_box]

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