PT versus MD: Physical Therapists are the Clear First Choice!

Physical Therapy Marketing Opportunity: More Reasons Why Consumers Should See PTs First

Physical therapists know that they are just as capable of evaluating and treating patients for musculoskeletal disorders as medical doctors.  While society (both consumers and physicians) still generally think of physical therapy as an ancillary service, physical therapists know better.  Consumer direct access is now legal in all 50 states.  Go here for FAQs about direct access.

In a previous infographic we referenced numerous advantages of seeing a PT first…from financial benefits to lower utilization of specialists, injections, drugs and surgery.

The point of this infographic is to empower PTs and remind them of the variety of reasons why seeing a physical therapist first is the best choice.

In the top half of this infographic, the data is clear:

  • PTs see patients quicker,
  • There’s little to no waiting in a lobby, and
  • PTs spend more face-to-face time with patients.



Who Are You Going to Share This With?

Would you dare share this with your current patients or are you fearful that it might hurt your physician referral relationships?  You make the call.  In any case, there are many compelling reasons why consumers should see a PT first.

Reference: Thanks to the Twitter posts and those PTs that were presented at the 2015 CSM meeting.  #skipMDs

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