Physical Therapy Marketing in 2021 – Does Your Community Know About You?

Physical Therapy Marketing - Does Your Community Know About You

In this post I want to share five brief interviews I did with members of my local North San Diego community.  The answers were a bit surprising.

TL;DR  We interviewed four men and one woman in our local community and as you will notice, physical therapy was never mentioned by any of them. So, the obvious question is: Are you marketing your practice enough to your community?

Here’s the recording:

Here’s the transcript of the interviews:

“Thank you for participating. The first question I have is, uh, if you had neck or back pain, who would you go seek medical care?”

Participant #1 Answer:
“Well, it depends on the type, just stiffness or sciatica. I have chronic low stiffness, so I go to the chiropractor.”

“Okay. And how about if you had shoulder knee problems? Who would you go see for that?” 

Participant #1 Answer:
“Um, probably an orthopedist.”

“And have you ever had physical therapy before?

Participant #1 Answer:
Uh, yes I have.

Participant #2

My first question for you is if you had neck or low back pain, who would you go see?

Participant #2 Answer

“If you had a shoulder or knee pain, who would you go?”

Participant #2 Answer
“Either a masseuse or an acupuncturists.”

“My last question is, uh, have you ever been to physical therapy before?”

Participant #1 Answer:
“Uhhh, no.”

Participant #3

“My first question is if you had neck or back pain, who would you go see?”

Participant #3 Answer:
“Neck or back pain? Uh, either a chiropractor I go to, or my local doctor.”

“How about shoulder and knee pain?”

Participant #3 Answer:
“Shoulder and knee pain. Um, uh, it’s shoulder pain. I’ve had before I went to both, I got like treatment at a chiropractor and I also went to my local doctor for that electrical stuff.”

“Have you ever been to a physical therapist before as therapists?”

Participant #3 Answer:
“No, my sister is actually going to school for that…”

Participant #4

“My first question is if you had neck or back pain, who would you go see?”

Participant #4 Answer:
Uh, I would probably say a chiropractor.”

“How about shoulder and knee pain?”

Participant #4 Answer:
“I would once again, probably say a chiropractor.”

“Have you ever been to a physical therapist before as therapists?”

Participant #4 Answer:

Participant #5

“My first question is if you had neck or back pain, who would you go see?”

Participant #5 Answer:
I would see my general practitioning physician.”

“How about shoulder and knee pain?”

Participant #5 Answer:
Also my regular physician.”

“Have you ever been to a physical therapist before as therapists?”

Participant #5 Answer:
“No, I have not.”

What did you think of their answers. Surprised at all?

If you need help getting your PT Online Marketing Right, give us a call at (760) 585-9097 or click here to request an appointment on my calendar.

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